Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oatmeal--It's what's for breakfast

I just did a post on my toast site about oatmeal

As most diabetics know, this is a great way to start the day. But one of the secrets of nature is that many different herbs and spices are beneficial to diabetics.

Doc Nicole has examined the research and she agrees that cinnamon has proven to help lower blood sugar in us. And it doesn't take a lot. About 1/8 teaspoon sprinkiled on your oatmeal in the morning has shown to be the amount that helps. But please be careful with spices. While they are helpful, it is possible to do damage with too much. Keep in mind, in nature, spices are usually accompanied by other things so they are difficult to take too much, but when we use the spice jar, they are concentrated.

Another spice that has proven useful to diabetics is dill. So, when you have that potato, spice it up a little and you are going to make it taste better and be better for you.


Da Old Man said...

@ Generic: Rethink oatmeal?

Anonymous said...

I forgot about the Dill. I use it on everything, much to my partner's chagrin...but I did read recently that protein is better for diabetics than grains. Who do we believe?

Paul Eilers said...

Yes, cinnamon is good for many different things.

Elliott Broidy said...

Nice research