Thursday, August 28, 2008

Diabetic Diva and Desserts

My favorite Diabetic Diva checks in:

I've developed a bad habit and I think that it is affecting my cat as well. I like to cook, especially desserts, but I don't normally eat them for myself. I'll take them to work or give them to family or friends.

After years of being deprived of dessert because of diabetes I have started to sample my tasty treats. That, in itself, isn't a bad thing. It started out quite innocently, I would go to the refrigerator and open the door just to sneak a peek at the dessert. I never tasted it; I just looked at it. However, each time I opened the refrigerator, the cat, no matter what he was doing would come to investigate. He would look, I would look and then he would look up at me with a look that seemed to say, "What are we having?"

So, that's how it started. I would have just a small tiny piece of something scrumptious and the cat would get a bite too.

This had gone on for several months and I think was beginning to add a few extra pounds to both of us and make our sugars higher than normal. I decided that I was going to stop cooking--just the desserts and focus on something more healthier.

The cat doesn't see it this way.

Now, every time I open the fridge for anything whether it's a cold drink, a tasteless baby carrot or a stick of butter I am met with a sulking, annoyed kitty who wants to know what happened to his desserts.

His disgust is mutual, I miss the desserts too; but I don't miss my waistline which seems to be shrinking since I stopped making dessert.

Tune in next time when the Diabetic Diva will discuss something other than the yummy food that she and her cat aren't supposed to eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...