Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting a Second Chance

Getting A Second Chance

It seems that a lot of people in my family have diabetes. I guess we were lucky or something. On one side of the family every cousin, aunt, and uncle struggle to keep their sugar levels low so they won't have to face the consequences down the road.

Some do better than others.

Others seem to totally ignore the condition, which is hard for me to understand.

I know it is difficult to accept; but, there isn't a cure, so deal with it. I think the most shocking moment for me was when my doctor looked at me and said, "This is what you are going to have to do to combat this disease."

Disease—who said anything about a disease. I just got a little sugar diabetes, nothing to worry about.

Well, that thought lasted all of two minutes and then the cold hard facts set in; this is serious and life threatening.

One of my family members has been given a second chance with this dreaded scourge. I think they got their wakeup call. Diabetes can't be cured but it can be managed quite well if you put your mind to it.

I'm the Diabetic Diva tune in next time when I hope to discuss the successful implementation of an exercise program into my daily regime.

1 comment:

Davidlind said...

I think I will join you in this.